This is: Café Blanc.
It's the classiest place in the food court. It's composed of two stories, the upper of which requires one of three things - being on the list; being able to overpower the bouncer; or having the almighty sword of everlasting vengance, cast in the fires of Trinandel, begotton to Ameroth, son of Tulag, son of Grepnor'ach'thath. Most people are on the list. It's not exactly very hard to get on the list though. One simply has to call the manager who is terribly bored and likes to come up with riddles. They are all easy to the point of silliness, and all have powerfully overbearing names, like "the great and powerful riddle of the three lattés that could."
Place of "appearance" of: Mrs Harrison.
Hangout of: Dexter con Sizzle.
Somewhat of a direct competetor of: the Tac-go in the food court.