This is: Carl 3.
Carl 3 enjoys long walks along the docks in the moonlight, laying in the grass under the stars, and hot chocolate. He longs for a simple, peaceful life, but finds it difficult to have a meaningful relationship with someone working for the mob. Long, awkward hours and the stripping of all ways of personal identification by federal authorities are real dampeners on his romantic life. Carl 2 and Carl 4 aren't exactly helpful in that area either, always pulling pranks on him, giving him wedgies. He was rather grateful when Beth 4 started a competing mob across town, and invited him to join. He thinks Beth 4 is hot, but doesn't think he has a chance against Tony 10.
In the employ of: Beth 4.
Thrower of: a Brick.
Proficient user of: Tape.
Workmate of: Carl 2.