This is: Chuck Jones.
He is a freelance night watchman. For the most part, he fills in for the excessively truant force of the sixty eighth floor mall. One day, as he was making his round past the Dohnut shop when he saw a glint of metal in the window. Knowing the shop was made entirely of matte black plastic in an attempt to seem "hip", he felt it neccicary to investigate. He found a rather odd painting, which he showed to his friend Bruce, who spends way too much time on the internet looking at the great masters. Turned out it was the property of an international crime syndicate. This resulted in a lot of free press for the shop, which monopolized sales, much to the annoyance of the taco shop next door.
Cause of annoyance of: the Tac-go in the food court.
Friend of: Bruce Gilliam.
Informant of: Officer Charles Malark.